Sunday, April 15, 2012


Welcome to the Baseline Equine website.

     Baseline Equine is an equine massage provider serving the Central Michigan area and outlying regions.  In addition to massage services we offer pre-purchase evaluations, demonstrations, and clinics.  By providing our clients with additional information and support, both through our website and their appointments, we can ensure that their horses are receiving optimized care.

The Baseline Equine difference:

  • We establish a baseline for your horse. Our initial evaluation includes:
  • Skeletal and musculature evaluation
  • Range of Motion evaluation
  • Gait evaluation both in hand and under saddle
  • Dental and hoof concerns
  • Palpation sensitivity
  • External asymmetries and irregularities
  • Tack fit 
     After each massage session we will provide you with a detailed evaluation sheet identifying any issues and recommendations. You can keep these sheets for your records and share them with the other members of your health care team.

Establish your Baseline today. Contact us for your evaluation appointment.